The Whitewater Blog
Essential Gear for Raft Guides
Beginners Guide to the Multi-Day Trip
5 Alternative Whitewater Crafts to Master
Best Rivers to SUP in Colorado.
1. Rig to Flip, Dress to Swim
This mantra is similar to “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst,” and is never more true than at high water. Be ready for a worst-case scenario by dressing your boat and yourself correctly. For example, you might want to rig a flip line across the bottom of your raft for help getting on top of it.
Likewise, consider rigging OS (Oh! Safety) straps across your thwarts and bringing extra spare paddles. If running an oar frame, ensure all straps are tight and tidy. Clip everything in and lock every carabiner. (Ensure you have no non-locking carabiners anywhere in the boat.)