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The Whitewater Blog

Protecting your whitewater rescue gear.

Inspecting and Protecting Your Whitewater Gear

There are some dangers of using throw bags and especially waist throw bags if used improperly or if a piece of gear fails because of wear. We will give you some tips on what to look for generally with products and a few specific things to check with River Station Gear products. Generally with throw bags you want to make sure the top buckle and cinch cord are in good shape and working properly. You don’t want your rope to unknowingly come out and get into a moving river. Another thing to check is the tie-in knot. Make sure it is still a nice looking, well dressed knot. Lastly, make sure your rope itself is in good shape.

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5 Tips for Dealing With Stinky River Gear

5 Tips for Dealing With Stinky River Gear

Mesh is your new best friend. Storing and transporting your gear in a mesh duffel bag allows air to circulate through your things and keeps moisture from building up. The best duffel for keeping your gear fresh is an all-mesh style bag that doesn’t have a solid bottom. An enclosed bottom holds moisture.

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River Station waist throw bag for whitewater rafting and kayaking.

Should You Have a Waist Throw Bag?

Around 70% of river guides surveyed use a waist throw bag. Those who don’t often cite entanglement concerns. There is always a risk associated with ropes and moving water. However, hours of scouring the American Whitewater Database only revealed one incident of a guide getting caught on his throw bag. 

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5 Ways to get Involved in your Local Whitewater Community

5 Ways to get Involved in your Local Whitewater Community

There will almost always be a local Swift-water rescue option where you can learn, hands on, how to throw a throw bag, self-rescue and entrapment rescue, as well as how to flip and unpin boats and how to tie river knots. These courses are offered throughout the year in most whitewater communities. You can always contact a local raft outfitter for info about swift-water courses in your area. 

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3 essential bags for whitewater rafting blog.

3 Essential Bags for Whitewater Rafting.

In this discussion we will talk about 3 essential whitewater bags to bring with you. First up, the throw bag. Essential to keep one accessible. You never know when a bad situation is coming and it is best to be prepared. Second, a dry bag. Dry bags are very important if you want to keep your clothes dry. Getting to camp and finding out your change of clothes is wet is a real bummer, and in colder months could be dangerous. Lastly, a good gear bag. Obviously rafting requires lots of gear and organization. Having random gear spread out all over the raft is never a good idea. Down below we will go into details and break down the specifics of why these bags are essential. 

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