First overnight? Fifth overnight? Either way, there is something about those little luxuries you remember to pack that make your river trip a bit more enjoyable. There are plenty of lists out there about essential overnight gear, but what about the items that nobody told you to bring? The things that you wished you had packed once you’re too far downstream to come back.
Here are our Top 5 River Overnight River Trip Non-Essential, Essentials:
Sand Mat
You will bring lots of different new things home on your river trip. Memories, laughter, new friends, a few new bruises and probably some bumped toes. But, there is one thing that will linger the longest after your time spent on the river and on shore: sand. Now don’t get us wrong, we love curling our toes in the warm sand from time to time, but spend 25 days on the Grand Canyon and a sand mat will change your world.
Not only are sand mats great for under the kitchen to catch fallen food and micro-trash, but they are also great for your campsite. Sand mats are designed to allow sand to sift through them, while not letting sand come up through the bottom of the mat. This allows for you to have a clean campsite to relax on, organize your dry bags on, and gives you a break from sand getting EVERYWHERE. If you are the type of person who likes to take pictures and document things it can also create an open space for you to take care of your equipment, journal, and film without the concern of sand getting into your things. Not only that, but the sand mat also has d-rings to allow for the ability to stake it down at your campsite. It also comes with a carry bag, making it lightweight, portable, and easy to rig to the boat.
If you bring a sand mat on your next overnight, you’ll have a place for everyone to gather. It’s a fan favorite. You can also wake up early and do some morning yoga and stretching without the hassle of slipping into the sand. It’s a win for you and a win for your group.
What’s a river trip without a costume night? (or a few costume nights). There are plenty of different themes to choose from and it’s the perfect opportunity to get silly on the river. Running rapids is serious, but there is still a lot of flat water and it can be extra fun with costumes. Not only that, but If you’re on a 25 day Grand Canyon trip, themed nights are a great way to keep morale high after long days on the river. It gives people something to look forward to and reminds people to not take things so seriously. Plus, being in a beautiful location and on the river is always enough of a reason to celebrate. Whether it’s a rockstar night, an alien themed beach, or a cozy night in your onesie, costume nights are a well-loved tradition in the river community.
We especially recommend a onesie-themed party for those chilly winter trips. The party will probably extend a few nights longer because onesies are really just the best and you’re not going to want to wear anything else.
Now, you may be questioning if you have enough room for a costume in your dry bag. The correct answer is yes, there’s always room for a costume in your dry bag.
Extra Lotion
Lotion is an essential. But, extra lotion and specific lotion will be a game changer. Somebody on your trip is bound to forget lotion and you’ll become their favorite person.
Our favorite everyday lotion is Weleda Skin Food Nourishing Body Lotion due to its natural ingredients, non-greasy feel, and long-lasting moisture. Our favorite hand and foot specific lotion is Calendula Dreams. Crafted by a raft guide, for raft guides. Elisha, a guide in Salida, CO, created this lotion to both heal and prevent cracks in hands, while still giving you a non-greasy feel so that you can continue rowing without your hands slipping off the oars. This lotion is a dream! You’ll need it on every trip after you try it out. Everyone will be coming to your boat after long days on the river to see if they can get some of your stash. Also, we suggest bringing some Aquaphor. It will help with cracked lips and specific cracks in hands and feet in a pinch.
Pro Tip: Try keeping some lotion in different locations like a camp bag AND a captain's box. This will make taking care of your skin a lot easier. Nobody really wants to head back and search for lotion after a long day on the river so keep it close by! Plus, putting lotion on after a long day with your friends is a great shared experience.
Camp Shoes
After you spend all day in your river footwear, you’ll probably be ready to take off your river shoes, set up camp, and dig your toes into the warm sand. You can finally relax. But, if you’re going to go barefoot around camp, proceed with caution. Your feet are going to become the most important thing (and noticeable thing) once you stub a toe or step on a cactus. Not taking care of your feet can definitely ruin a trip, so be sure to take care of those toes.
Once you get back to camp we recommend changing out of your river shoes and putting on a sandal or a camp flip-flop to air those feet out. The Luna sandal can take you on adventures on the river and off. This is our favorite sandal for its versatility, quality, and lightweightness.
On the other hand, although bringing boots can feel like a hassle, if you’re going to be on a trip in the fall or winter, we recommend bringing some rain boots. Rain boots can be great for those late night runs to the groover or to the river to go to the bathroom. In colder temperatures, having to get your feet wet at night is not ideal, so pack a boot. Our favorite boots are from Xtra-Tuf, as they are very comfortable, warm, and durable. On those colder days when you really want to be wearing a pair of socks and staying dry without wearing your drysuit, boots will be a lifesaver. Along with that, on de-rigging day, we are very grateful for a boot. It is bound to be the coldest, muddiest day of the whole trip and you’re going to be in and out of the water and very happy your feet are dry and warm.
Changing Robe/Sarong
Spending an extended amount of time with a group of people on the river is a very special experience. You’ll get to know people more deeply and see people at their best (and worst) throughout the week. It’s amazing, challenging, and so worth it!
But, you do sacrifice most of your privacy and “me time”. That is why we would highly recommend bringing a changing robe with you. Our changing robe at RSG is made out of microgrid fabric that is breathable, allowing you to quickly and comfortably change out of your river gear. Not only that, but it also doubles as the most comfortable and cozy hooded blanket in the game. We don’t know about you all, but getting to throw on a hooded blanket is much more satisfying than digging around for multiple items of clothing. Loose, breathable clothing is a must out there as you are constantly getting wet and your bathing time is less frequent. With a changing robe you can rewear it multiple times and the fabric is quick drying and easier to wash than other materials.
If your river trip is in the summer, a sarong is an awesome lightweight alternative. A sarong is a rectangular piece of fabric and has so many different ways to be used. A sarong can be a changing curtain, a dress or a skirt, a blanket, a towel, or even a headband.
On your next trip, you’ll be very glad you brought a changing robe or a sarong (or both!). They act like clothes without the hassle of clothes. Which is truly the best after a day on the river. Trust us on this.

Be in the Moment out There!
Lastly, with all this being said, river trips are truly special. Getting to spend any amount of time fully immersed in nature and on the river is easily one of the best feelings in the world. Trips can be challenging, memorable and fulfilling.
Packing these items can enhance your experience to live more presently on your river trip, rather than wishing you had something you don’t. These extra things can help you to fully live in the moment.
But at the end of the day, if you’re finalizing your packing list and forget a few extras, it’ll all be okay. Time flies out there! And soon enough you’ll be off the river. So enjoy your time and know yourself and what you need to have the most successful trip possible.
Happy Packing!!
By: Sam McKiernan
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